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API Reference

All features of @grpc.ts



  • Type: string | string[] | undefined
  • Default: []
  • Required: false

Path to folder contains proto files.

import type { IConfigProps } from '@grpc.ts/cli';

const config: IConfigProps = {
  paths: ['../proto/*.proto'],

export default config;


  • Type: string[] | undefined
  • Default: ['google.protobuf']
  • Required: false

Third party data type.


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: 'protobufTypings'
  • Required: false

Path to folder where the typing files will be generated for TypeScript.

import type { IConfigProps } from '@grpc.ts/cli';

const config: IConfigProps = {
  output: './grpc-types',
  paths: './_protos/**/*.proto',

export default config;


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: 'dist'
  • Required: false

Build folder where stores the built files after running tsc, tsup, ... If engine of monorepo config is set, it will use outDir of the engine instead.


  • Type: IMonorepoOutputProps
  • Default: undefined
  • Required: false

Monorepo configuration, instead of creating files to the output option, CLI will create a workspace to for those files as a mono package inside monorepo project.

This option will override the option output.

If package.json and tsconfig.json already existed, CLI will not touch those files again.

// grpc-cli.ts

import type { IConfigProps } from '@grpc.ts/cli';

const config: IConfigProps = {
  paths: ['../proto/*.proto'],
  external: ['google.protobuf'],
  monorepo: {
    multiEntries: true,
    packageName: '@data/grpc',
    workspacePath: './packages',

export default config;


  • Type: string
  • Required: true

Name of the package, CLI will set to the name option of package.json.


  • Type: string
  • Required true

Path of the workspace that is set up for npm/yarn/pnpm workspaces.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: undefined
  • Required: false

If you want to have multi-entries using package exports, set this true. Else leave it as it is.


  • Type: ITsupConfigProps
  • Default: undefined
  • Required: false

Set up compiler for the package. Use this option if your project needs to build the mono package before using.

At the moment, only support for tsup. Other like rollup, ..., you should set up after CLI finishes the setup.