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  • create default http status codes
  • change exit 1 to 0 for dispose
  • create methods to map exception handlers for AbyssalApplication
  • add response to AbyssalContext
  • create AbyssalException to create custom exception
  • create IAbyssalExceptionHandler to create custom exception handler
  • create decorator Catch for setting exception class for handler

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  • add loadEnv method for class AbyssApplication to load .env
  • create function to create custom metadata
  • create context
  • create AbyssalConfiguration and AbyssalMiddleware to create 3rd party and global middleware

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  • build simple ioc container for di

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  • create Controller decorator to create controller
  • create http method decorators: Get, Post, Put, Patch and Delete to create action for controller
  • create parameter decorator Query to inject query param to controller's action
  • create parameter decorator Body to inject body param to controller's action
  • create parameter decorator Param to inject param (e.g: /:id, id is a param) to controller's action
  • create parameter decorator Request to inject request (e.g: Express's request) to controller's action
  • create Core Application to build runner